• WSE Garden Club

    Sponsored by:  Mrs. Pringle & Mrs. Stary


    Club Information:

    Who:  WSE 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders (limited to 20 participants)

    When:  1st Thursday of the Month

    (Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 1, Mar 7, April 4, May 2)

    Where:  Mrs. Pringle’s Room (RM 14) & WSE Garden

    Why:  Provide opportunities for students to learn and grow through gardening, engaging their natural curiosity and wonder. We will also be participating in some school beautification through gardening.

    How: The WSE Garden Club members must agree to follow the club expectations listed below.

    • Attend meetings- More than two absences will result in removal from club.

    • Dress appropriately- We will be planting and working in beds. Be sure to dress accordingly.

    • Follow school rules- Students are expected to follow school rules, display cooperation, and respect adults, students, and equipment. If a student fails to do so, the student’s participation in the club may be terminated.