S.W.A. T.
S (sportsmanship) W (working out) A (achievements) T (team work)
Who can participate? The first semester will be for fourth and fifth graders. The second semester is designated for second and third grade students. The first 20 students to turn in their signed permission slip on the due date will be admitted to the club. All others will be placed on a waiting list.
What is the club? This is a physical fitness club sponsored by Coach Trevino.
When is the meeting day? Wednesday morning from 7:30-8:00 a.m.
Where? The gym
Why? The goal of the club is to encourage kids to be physically active.
*Students are expected to follow school rules, display good sportsmanship, and respect adults, students, and equipment. If a student fails to do so, the student’s participation in the club may be terminated.
*Students will be required to attend each club meeting date. If a student misses two meeting dates, the child will forfeit their spot in the club. Then, that student will be replaced with someone on the waiting list.
*If you are interested in joining this club, an email will be sent out to eligible grade-levels to inform parents of the due date for the application.
*If your child is chosen to be in the club, he/she will receive a congratulatory paper with more info about meeting dates.
Deanna Trevino