Specialist and Intervention
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Math Interventionist

Phone: (281) 634-2988
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with minor in Early Childhood Education English as a Second Language Certification Grades 1-8 Elementary Self-Contained Grades 1-8 Gifted and Talented Certified Math Recovery Certified
Mrs. Beth Schumacher-Bonilla
Hello! My name is Beth Schumacher-Bonilla (Mrs. Bonilla). This is my 7th year as a math specialist/interventionist at Mission Glen Elementary. Prior to Mission Glen, I have 15 years of teaching experience as a math specialist, a Math Recovery teacher, and a classroom teacher. My goal as a math specialist is to get students and teachers to enjoy math and build a deeper understanding of numeracy.
I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri where I attended K-12 in the Affton School District. I got my bachelor degree in education from Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. After graduating from SEMO, I moved to Houston to begin my teaching career. I am happily married with two wonderful boys, ages 9 and 7, and a pug daughter named Meggi Moo. As a family we enjoy running, camping, and traveling around the world.
To help your child grow a love for math, simply play board games, play card games, cook together, and/or shop together. These everyday activities will help build the numeracy foundation all children need.
Literacy Intervention Teacher
Phone: (281)-634-4908
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Chinwe Okenyi
Degrees and Certifications: