Gifted and Talented at Mission Bend Glen Elementary

  • In alignment with the Texas State Goal for Services for Gifted and Talented Students, the mission of the FBISD GT services is to provide learning opportunities that challenge and develop students identified for gifted services through creative, self-directed learning.                      This can be seen through the development of innovative projects and performances  that reflect students’ individuality, as well as through honed research skills and advanced critical thinking.

    Gifted and Talented services are educational interventions for students who perform at or show the potential for performing at a remarkably high level of accomplishment when compared to others of the same age, experience, or environment.


    Elementary: Identified students in grades K-5 are cluster grouped with GT-trained teachers in the core subject areas of English language arts, social studies, science, and mathematics.  Program services for identified Kindergarten students begin March 1 as mandated by the state.

GT Campus Contact

  • Sherayne English- GT Administrator


    Theresa Grayson- GT Counselor

    theresa. grayson


    Jenae Victor- Champion of Gifted Services (COG)



    GT Parent Advisor

    " Coming Soon"

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  • FBISD Gifted and Talented Services

    Fort Bend ISD Gifted and Talented Services Logo

    General Inquiries

    (281) 634-1357

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