

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Erikah North

Hello, I am excited to be a part of the Fort Bend family for this school year. This is my 3rd year teaching and 1st year teaching first grade. I am excited to be here at Blue Ridge-Briar Gate and looking forward to a fantastic school year of learning.

My email:

My phone number: 713-581-4240

  • Class schedule:

    7:30 - School opens

    7:30 - 8:05 Breakfast 

    8:10- Math 

    9:45 - Science

    10:30 - Recess

    11:00 - Lunch

    11:30 - Ancillary (Music, Art, Library, PE)

                             Teacher Conference period on Thursdays only 11:40 - 12:10

    12:15 - Intervention

    1:00 - ELA (Reading/Writing)

    2:45 - Social Studies

    3:25 - Dismissal