About Goodman Elementary
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About Lula Belle Goodman Elementary
Lula Belle Goodman was born and raised in Fort Bend County. After graduating from Prairie View A&M College, she received several offers to teach. She chose to return home, and to share with the children of her community her love of learning.
She taught students in Fort Bend ISD for 41 years, touching the lives of children across our district. During her career she taught at St. John’s School in Dewalt, the Oak Lane School in Arcola, New Hope School in Stafford, M.R. Wood in Sugar Land, and Lakeview Elementary in Sugar Land.
Lula Belle Goodman was the ultimate educator and caretaker of the children in her charge. In one nominating letter, a former student recalled, “She fed her students’ minds, as well as their bodies and souls. She cut wood for a fire to keep students warm and comfortable, prepared food to nourish her most hungry students, and brought clothing and shoes when students were without.”
Through three generations, Lula Belle Goodman taught the children of our community with her caring spirit, loving heart, and inspiring example. Although Ms. Goodman passed away in April of 2001, the foundations that she laid in her one-room classroom are building future generations of responsible, caring citizens.