• Thank You to the 2020-2021 Foundation Donors!

    The Foundation truly appreciates all of your support.

    Comments (-1)
  • Visionary - $25,000+
    Team FBISD Employees
    The George Foundation

    Innovator - $15,000+
    FLUOR Corporation
    Harvest Green Homeowners Association, Inc.
    Li, Virginia and Larry
    Perdue Brandon Fielder Collins & Mott, LLP

    Achiever - $10,000+
    Paradigm Consultants, Inc.
    Prime Contractors, Inc.
    Sienna Plantation CSF (Community Services Foundation)
    SPCAI (Sienna)

    Educator - $5,000+
    AUTOARCH Architects, Inc.
    Bracewell LLP
    Classic Chevrolet Sugar Land
    Comerica Bank
    Daikin Applied
    DBR Engineering Consultants, Inc.
    Dowley Security Systems, Inc.
    Gallagher Benefit Services
    GoldStar Transit
    Imperial Homeowner's Association Inc.
    Jamail & Smith Construction, LP
    Johnson Development
    Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
    Likhari, Manmeet and Paul
    PBK Architects, Inc.
    Rangeland Energy
    Rice & Gardner Consultants
    Rogers, Morris & Grover, LLP
    Sewell Audi Sugar Land
    Stantec Architecture
    Teal Construction Company
    Thompson & Horton, L.L.P.
    USA Fit
    Whitley Penn LLP

    Mentor - $2,500+
    Code Ninjas
    COMBS Consulting Group
    Dally + Associates, Inc.
    DLR Group
    Durotech, Inc. General Contractor
    Energy Ogre
    Frost Bank Capital Markets
    Golden, Valerie and Samuel
    Halford, Lynn and Dennis
    High Point Sanitary Solutions
    Hilltop Securities
    Horak, Gena and Paul
    Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital
    Karkada, Sudarshan
    Kraynek, JoAnna and Jason
    Noble Corporation
    Performance Services
    Pfluger Architects
    Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc.
    Smith, Sara
    Sreshta, Anita
    Stein, Marsha and Stanley
    Texas Landscape Group, LLC
    VLK Architects
    Wang, Terri and Sam
    WCA, Waste Corporation of Texas
    Yellowstone Landscape

    Apprentice - $1,000+
    Acme Brick
    AG&E Structural Engenuity
    Alberty, Lesley and Jeremy
    Allegiance Bank - Sugar Land
    AMS of Houston LLC
    Aviles Engineering Corporation
    Baijal, Rahul
    Bass Construction Co., Inc.
    Bhuchar, Subodh
    Bhuchar, Vijay and Vinod
    Bohnsack, Melissa and Gary
    Buckeye Partners L.P.
    Charlie's Plumbing Inc.
    CJG Engineers
    Constellation, An Exelon Company
    Corley, Michelle and Kevin
    Crain Group, LLC
    EcoLab Foundation
    EMA Engineering & Consulting
    Exxon Mobile Matching Gifts
    Frost Bank
    Gamble, Debbie and John
    Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund
    HCSS (Heavy Construction Systems Specialists, Inc.)
    Helfman Ford
    Huckabee & Associates Architects
    Independent Bank
    Jackson, Peggy and Steve
    Jhaveri, Shefali and Chetan
    JR Thomas Group, Inc.
    Keystar Capital, LLC
    Kirksey Architecture
    KMPG Gives c/o Bergen County's United Way
    Linck, Karen and Victor
    LJA Engineering
    Mabry, Margey
    McCauley, Jessica and Ryan
    Mesirow Financial
    Molson Coors Beverage Company
    Patel, Hansa and Naren
    Piper Sandler & Co.
    Pogue Construction
    Raba-Kistner, Inc.
    RBC Capital Markets
    Reytec Construction Resources, Inc.
    Schiff, Michael and Sharon Hymes
    Smarketing Business Systems Inc.
    Snell, Jamaal
    Spring Creek Barbeque
    Sugar Land Skeeters Baseball Club
    TCG Advisors
    Terracon Consultants, Inc
    The Hrebenar Foundation
    Tolunay- Wong Engineers, Inc.
    University of Houston 

    Steward - $500+
    Allen, Mary
    Anderson, Pebble and Kevin
    Brown, Jeff
    Brown, Jim
    Brown, Shirley
    Cabble, Mindy and Andy
    CNG 4 America
    Covey, Noreen and Michael
    Echevarria, Gloria
    ERC Environmental & Construction Services, Inc.
    Explore Learning
    Fessler, Stacey and Dustin
    Gerould, Patricia
    Gibson Consulting Group
    Grogan, Sherry
    Houck, Pat and Allen
    Hrebenar, Jackie and Jim
    Humphrey, Yolanda
    iSphere, IT Consulting/Staffing
    Jackson, Allen
    James, Grayle
    Jhaver, Debra
    Johnson Controls, Inc.
    Jordan, Robin and Bill
    Kau, Thuy and Vincent
    Kendra Scott Sugar Land
    Laursen, Kerry
    Leonetti Graphics
    Marksamer, Andee
    Marth, Mary and Jeff
    Molina Walker Almaguer Architects
    Pelican Energy Partners
    Peterson, Shana and Chad
    R.G. Miller Engineers
    Renewal by Anderson of Houston
    Roberts Markel Weinberg Butler Hailey P.C.
    Sczudlo, Jim
    Shell Oil Company Foundation
    Si Environmental
    Sprint FBC Landfill
    TAB Technologies, LLC
    Tassin, Kristin and Shannon
    Thomas, Jamie and Toby
    UBS Financial Services
    Unify Energy Solutions
    Walsh Gallegos Trevino Russo & Kyle, P.C.
    Wantuch, Janet and John
    West Belt Surveying, Inc.

    Friend - $100+
    Aaron, Mark
    Acosta, Grace
    Adebayo, Mercy
    Agis-Wahl, Emily
    Agrawal, Ashish
    Ahuja, Sheetal
    Akdemir, Ahmet
    ALC Schools
    Allen, Monique
    Andres, Mary-An
    Andrews, Debra
    Arevalo, Nick
    Avirah, Jaison
    Backer, Marie
    Bailey Melissa and Ron
    Bailey, Angelique
    Bajwa, Nomita
    Bao, Hoang
    Barnes, Courtney
    Bhadriraju, Sangeeta
    Bhuchar, Vilas
    Bogle, Latecha and Sean
    Brady, Dillon
    Breaux, Chris
    Brow, Catie
    Bush, Jackie
    Bynes, Stacy and Spencer
    Chapman, Kara
    Cheney, Elizabeth
    Chestnut, Ian
    Clark, Elizabeth
    Copeland, Lynn
    Cosby, Brenna
    Crain, Deborah and Jim
    Crick, Paul and Tracy
    Crouch, Michael
    Curry, Randy
    Curtice, Kolbe
    Dao, Mai
    Davis, Ashley
    De Leon, Linda
    Denton, Sandy
    DeShazo, Abigail and Brett
    Dhukka, Shakil
    Do, Olivia
    Dupre, Seeju and Charles
    Ehrenreich, Sabrina
    Equitable Foundation
    Fish City Grill
    Frazier, Lindsey
    Friedman, Emma
    Garcia, Rick
    Garcia-Estrada, Patricia
    George, Verghese
    Gibbs, Jennifer
    Gonzales, Jonathan
    Gonzalez, Juan
    Gupta, Anita
    Gupta, Shikha
    Hanan, Angie
    Harris, Lary
    Heavilin, Nicole
    Highsmith, Sarah
    Hill, Christy and Chris
    Ho, Tony
    Holgado, Janelle
    Holland & Knight LLP
    Hooks, Malinda
    Hopkins, Catherine
    Hua, Huy
    Hui, Elaine
    Humbert, James
    Idol, Annissa
    Isiguzo, Faith
    Jackson, Frankie
    Jacobson, Stewart
    Jain, Meeta
    Jajoo, Harish
    James, Kay and Brad
    Jensen, Michele
    Jerng, Rachel
    Johnson, Scott
    Joseph, Rose and Nitin
    Kabani, Sonia
    Kadavil, Tessy
    Kalvakota, Bhanu
    Kamla Family Charitable Trust, a Donor Advised Fund of the U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
    Kapadia, Nitin
    Karedia, Sameer
    Keahey, Joan
    Keel, Julie
    Kelley, Bryan
    Kermally, Narmin and Naushaud
    Kersh, Amanda
    Kij, Jessica and Jim
    Kittrell, Scott
    Krichmar, Nidia and Dave
    Krishnan, Hari
    Kumar, Amit
    Kumar, Rakesh
    Kuo, David
    Laizo Filho, Wilson
    Lakhani, Noureen
    Larry Caldwell, DDS, Dentistry for Children
    Leatherwood, Laura and Claude
    Lee, Ting Yin
    Legacy Paint & Design Sugar Land's Benjamin Moore Paint Store
    Liu, Fang
    Madden , Denise and Michael
    Marton Roofing Industries, Inc.
    Masood, Hasan
    Mathews, Blesson
    Mattos, Elaine
    Mayfield-Hasker, Misty
    McCauley, Cynthia
    McGrenera, Madelon
    Mehta, Srishti
    Menendez, Jill and Daniel
    Metin, Cebrail
    Miller, Warren
    Mistry, Sunmbal
    Mixon, Stefanie
    Momin, Mustakali
    Morriesette, Angelica and Orlando
    Moseley, Kendra and Gary
    Mullins, John
    Natarajan, Nappinnai
    Neill, Anna
    Nesmith, Carrie and Trey
    Ngo, Nhan
    Nguyen, Hai
    Nguyen, Long
    Nikam, Vaibhav
    Nobles, Robert
    Nolen, Crissy and Ryan
    Nwalupue, Immanuel
    Oommen, Arlene
    Palange, Girish
    Parikh, Apurva
    Patel, Chad
    Patel, Jasmin
    Patel, Kuntal
    Pham, Hong
    Pirani, Amin
    Poats, Lillian and Greyling
    Porter, Beatrice
    Porter, Renee
    Potter, Cheryl
    Prajapati, Ragini
    Prasanna, Sudharshini and Srivasini
    Presidio Networked Solutions, Inc.
    Rabah, Akram
    Rasmussen, Terry
    Ray, Monica
    RdlR Architects, Inc
    Redlus, Jason
    Reiling, Malia
    Rice, Jim and Mary Walker
    Riles, Cher
    Ross, Rachel
    Rumph, Christopher
    Ryza, Courtney
    Saenz, Maureen and Gil
    Salenas, Marcus
    Samuel, Oluwafemi
    Sarao, Kanchan and Gurpinder
    Scamardo, Robert
    Scharfman, Karen and Ian
    Schlumberger Cycling Club
    Schooley, Porsche
    Shah, Hetal
    Shah, Minal
    Sifen Jewelry
    Simon Spine
    Skelly, Maureen
    Skinner, Lita
    Smalling, Deborah
    Sobczak, Grace and Michael
    Sommers, Jessica
    Sowmy, Priya
    Soyombo, Ellen
    Sprecher, Glenn
    Standard Office Products
    Stice, Bill
    Sykes, Katherine
    Thompson, Holly
    Thornton, Nicole and Rob
    Thurmond, Nancy and James
    TMS South
    Toro, Juliana
    Tran, Hoa
    Tucker, Linda
    Urbanowicz, Sarah
    Usanga, Andrea
    Valentz, Kitee
    Vasavada, Nishith
    Veillon, Jennifer and Chris
    Venugopalan, Mahesh
    Villarreal, Ann
    Wagner, Rande and Jack
    Ward, Michelle
    Watt, Leyla
    Webber, Kethia
    Whatley, Brad
    White, Joe
    Winters, Laura and Mark
    Y, Regina

    Comments (-1)
  • 4imprint
    Bracewell LLP
    Chick-fil-A Missouri City
    Chick-fil-A Sugar Land
    Classic Chevrolet Sugar Land
    Noreen & Michael Covey/Sienna Shuttle
    Dr. and Mrs. Charles Dupre
    EMA Engineering & Consulting
    Equitable Advisors
    FBISD Board of Trustees
    FBISD E-Team
    Fort Bend Fit
    Frito Lay
    Judge KP George
    Good Ole Cakes
    Harvest Market Sienna
    Hilltop Securities
    House of Blooms
    Kendra Scott Sugar Land
    Sri Preston Kulkarni
    Labatt Food Services
    Leonetti Graphics
    Let It Fly Events
    Molson Coors Beverage Company
    Momentum BMW
    Congressman Troy Nehls
    Office Depot OfficeMax
    Paradigm Consultants, Inc.
    Pfluger Architects
    Raymond James
    Sara Appliance & Electronics
    Sewell Audi Sugar Land
    Sienna Shuttle
    Smile Doctors Braces by Dr. Halford
    Stantec Architecture
    Sweetwater Country Club
    TriCoast Homes
    ViBella Sweets
    Walmart Neighborhood Market 04466

    Comments (-1)