Birthday Treats
If you wish to bring a treat to celebrate your child's birthday, please refer to the campus policy below and complete the form and return it to the front office. Copies of this form are also available in the front office.
Students may bring party invitations for parties to be held off campus, but must invite everyone in the class or only boys/girls as appropriate.
Invitations will only be accepted by the teacher on Mondays to be sent home in the Tuesday Folder.
Your child’s birthday is acknowledged during our morning news broadcast, and teachers will acknowledge your child’s birthday in class as well.
Students will be allowed to celebrate their birthday at the end of the day, by providing store-bought cookies or cupcakes, only. No nuts please, due to allergies. A parent or guardian must bring them into the building and fill out the FBISD’s Request for Food Sales or Service form which is submitted to FBISD’s Child Nutrition office. Prior to sending any treats, please contact your child’s teacher so she can allow time for the celebration. Please provide paper plates or napkins.
We respectfully request no cakes, drinks, balloons, flowers, donuts, stuffed animals, or goody bags.
Parents are not allowed in the classroom for the celebration.