Teacher Information

Phone: (281)634-8030
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science (Pre-kindergarten - 6) Master of Arts in Teaching ESL certification
Ms. Corey Casey
My name is Corey Casey and I am very happy to have your child in my second grade class. I’d like to begin by telling you a little about myself. I grew up outside of the Houston area. My only pets included a dog and a turtle. My favorite subject in school is reading. I have one son who is in college.
I’ve been teaching for 24 years. I graduated from Texas A&M University and received my master's degree from University of Houston-Downtown. I love teaching children to read and I am excited about starting the year with your child. This year will be full of challenges. We will learn and work together to have a successful year.
Please feel free to contact me at: Corey.Casey@fortbendisd.com.
Teacher Schedule
Morning (AM) ELA/Social StudiesReading Workshop8:15 - 9:45amSocial Studies:9:15- 9:45amOutclass9:45-10:30amWriting Workshop10:30 -10:50amSocial Studies10:50 - 11:00Lunch11:00-11:30amRecess11:30-12:00pmSocial Studies12:00-12:20pmWriting12:20 - 12:25pmWIN Time12:25 - 1:10pmSwitchAfternoon (PM) ELA/Social StudiesReading Workshop1:10 - 2:25Writing Workshop2:25 - 2:55Social Studies2:55 - 3:25Dismissal3:25Conferences by appointment9:50 - 10:30
Conference Schedule
Conference time is 9:50 - 10:30 by appointment only.