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Phone: (281)634-9182
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Sharon Williams-Jackson
My name is Sharon Williams-Jackson, and I am the counselor at Hunters Glen Elementary. During my service of education, I have taught Grades 2 through 5. In addition, I have served as a Middle School counselor for several years.
My philosophy of education is all students can learn. It is our goal as educators to enrich the lives of our students while producing articulate, expressive thinkers and life-long learners.
My goal to achieve this vision is to create a balance of the Social and Emotional environment for students, parents and staff. It is my mission to promote understanding of the Social and Emotional needs and ensure learning for our Hunter’s Glen Family.
In order to achieve my goal and mission for the school year, classroom guidance lessons will include the following topics:
- Character Education (Traits for the Year): The Big Three, Friendship, Integrity, Gratitude, Generosity, Responsibility, and Kindness. For more information, visit
- Mindset Matters
- Bully Prevention
- Mental Wellness and Talk-line Resources (Grades 3 -5)
- Assertiveness Skills to Support Student Safety
- COVID-19 Protocol
- Conflict Resolution
- College and Career Exploration
- Understanding Differences (in support of No Place to Hate)
- Making Health Choices (in support of Red Ribbon Week)
- Transition to Middle School (5th Grade only)
- Reducing Test Anxiety/Coping with Stress (3 – 5)
- Becoming 10 (Delivered to the 4th and possible 5th grade students by the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Department to educate student about Texas laws that affect children once they turn age ten.)
More importantly, I will have one virtual/Face to Face, “Morning Meets”, per semester with parents to give out important information from the Support Services at Hunter Glen. (1st Meeting- TBA)
I look forward to seeing your child, whether virtually or in person during this year. If you have any questions or would prefer your child not participate in specific lessons, please contact me at or (281)634-9182.
Smiles with Care,
Sharon Williams-Jackson
Counselor, Hunters Glen Elementary