Teacher Information

Phone: 281-634-0100


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Applied Learning and Development (U.T. Austin) Elementary Self Contained 1-8 English as a Second Language Generalist EC-8

Mrs. Jeanie McNew

Hello! I have taught for more than 30 years in Fort Bend I.S.D.  I love teaching my tiny learners. I also enjoy getting to know families of my students. I believe in a partnership between home and school. We will have a great year together!


Teacher Schedule

    • 8:05-8:15 Morning Meeting                                                                     

      8:15-9:30 ELAR /Literacy Stations

      9:30-10:00 Recess

      10:00-10:30  Lunch

      10:30-11:15  ELAR

      11:15-12:45  Math

      12:45-1:30   Outclass

      1:30-2:15     Rest Time(includes restroom time before settling down)

      2:15-2:30     Snack Time

      2:30-3:00     Science/Social Studies

      3:00-3:10     Group Meeting/Clean Up/Pack Up

      3:15-3:25    Dismissal


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