Webb, Shantel
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Teacher Information

Phone: (281) 327-77961
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Shantel Webb
"Students are like Butterflies unique in every way."
My name is Ms. S Webb. I 've been an educator for 23 years. My bachelor's degree is in Elementary education. It is my pleasure to be your child's teacher this year. Although things are a little different this year being online, we will continue to strive to be the best we can be. I am looking forward to cultivating the minds of our future leaders. My belief is that it takes a village to raise a child. So Im looking forward to working together to make sure all of our students are successful.
Teacher Schedule
Distance Learning Online Schedule for First Grade
Asynchronous Learning 8:10-9:15
Synchronous Reading w/Small Group 9:15-10:00
Asynchronous Learning 10:00-11:00
Synchronous Outclass 11:15-11:30
Lunch/Recess 11:30-12:30
Synchronous Science 12:30-1:00
Synchronous Math w/Small Group 1:00-1:30
Asynchronous Learning 1:30-1:50
Synchronous Small Group Intervention/Enrichment 1:50-2:35
Asynchronous Learning 2:35-3:25
Asynchronous Learning 8:10-8:45
Synchronous Social Studies 8:45-9:15
Synchronous Learning 9:15-10:00
Asnychronous Learning 10:00-11:00
Synchronous Outclass 11:15-11:30
Lunch/Recess 11:30-12:30
Asynchronous 12:30-1:00
Synchronous Math w/Small Group 1:00-1:30
Asynchronous Learning 1:30-1:50
Synchronous Small Group Intervention/Enrichment 1:50-2:35
Asynchronous Learning 2:35-3:25
Outclass Rotation
Synchronous P.E. - Monday
Synchronous Art - Tuesday
Synchronous Library - Wednesday
Synchronous Music - Thursday
Synchronous SEL – Friday
Library Link APP https://fortbendisd.schoology.com/home
If you are already logged into the Fort Bend ISD system, this link will take you directly to the Schoology homepage where students can easily access their courses.
Conference Time
My conference times are 10:00-10:45 on Monday-Fridays