About FBISD Parent and Family Engagement Centers

  • Parent and Family Engagement Centers are provided at all Fort Bend ISD Title I campuses where there is a designated Parent Educator or Family and Community Educator who promotes the campus’ family and community engagement activities.

    These individuals lead the work within the centers, and they are the connection between families and the campus. They work with parents/guardians and the campus administration to provide educational events and opportunities to assist families with supporting their child’s learning at home.

    Parents/guardians can visit the center to attend classes, seek support in navigating questions for the school or Fort Bend ISD, and receive resource and referral assistance to community resources that may assist families address their unique needs. 

About the Parent Educator

Phone: 281-329-0738


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Maria Ruiz

I'm thrilled to serve as the new Parent Educator. I'm here to support families by offering resources, programs and information to help you stay engaged in your children's education.

Estoy encantada de servir como su Educadora de Padres. Mi papel se centra en fortalecer las conexiones entre la familia y la escuela, proporcionando talleres y apoyo, y ayudándolos a navegar en el recorrido académico de sus hijos. 

Upcoming Events

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Armstrong Parent and Family Engagement Calendar