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Dr. Lynn Armstrong

Degrees and Certifications:
Dr. Lynn Armstrong
Dr. Lynn Armstrong's Biography
Our school was named in honor of Dr. Lynn Armstrong, who was an educator in FBISD for twenty-two years. Although she lost her battle with breast cancer on May 25th, 2007, she never lost focus of her life’s dedication to educate and serve her students.
She believed that it took everyone: Bus Drivers, Custodial and Cafeteria Staff, Support Staff, Teachers, Counselors, Principals, Superintendents, and Parents to educate a child. Her husband, Anthony Armstrong, continues her legacy by supporting our school and community, as an active member.
In 2008 Dr. Lynn Armstrong Elementary opened its doors to the school community and is currently under the instructional leadership of Principal Nancy Sanchez.
Dr. Lynn Armstrong serves approximately 500 children from the Missouri City and Stafford communities with a dedicated team of teachers, instructional specialists, support staff ,and administrators.
At Dr. Lynn Armstrong Elementary, we share FBISD's vision, we exist to inspire and equip all students to pursue futures beyond what they can imagine.