Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. De'Kari Courtney
Hi, my name is Ms. Courtney. I am excited to be your fourth grade science and social studies teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. This will be my 3rd year teaching at Hunters Glen Elementary. I am excited to make this the best school year yet!
My Childhood: I was born and raised in Mississippi as a proud southern girl. I grew up in Pearl, MS where I attended Pearl Public Schools from 1st – 12th grade where I excelled academically and in various sports. I graduated in 2017 from Pearl High School. #GoPirates!
My Education: I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Alcorn State University in 2021. I competed as a D1 track and field athlete for all four years on scholarship.
My Favorites:
Store: ALL
Color: Yellow
Hobby: Shopping/Exercising
Candy: KitKat
Food: Chickfila or Wingstop
Dessert: Cookies
Flower: Sunflowers
Drink: Water or Lemonade/Juice
Season: ALL
Sports Teams: NFL Dallas Cowboys
Subject: Math/Science
Classroom Décor: Lego Theme
Contacting Me:
I love to hear from parents! Please always contact me with questions or concerns. I especially love to hear from you if you are available to volunteer. My conference time is 8:55am-9:40am. ☺
Email: dekari.courtney@fortbendisd.gov
School#: (281) 329-7297
Class Dojo: