Teacher Information

Phone: 281-639-7225


Degrees and Certifications:

- Masters in Education, Johns Hopkins 2021 - Bachelors in Broadcast Media, UNT 2016 - Double minor with certifications in Youth Psychology and Sociology, UNT 2016

Ms. Beal


  • 5th ELA Schedule
    8:05-8:10 Homeroom 
    8:10-10:05 ELAR 
    10:05-10:30 SS 
    10:30-11:30 ELAR 
    11:30-12:15  Conference
    12:15-12:20 ELAR 
    12:20-12:50 Lunch
    12:50-1:20 Recess 
    1:25-2:10 Rangers Grow & Excel
    2:10-3:00 ELAR 
    3:00-3:25 SS 

  • Tutorials are by invitation only.