Teacher Information

Phone: 281-327-8556
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science Degree M.ED Certification in Reading
Ms. Jacqueline Varnado
My education and certification credentials include M.Ed in Reading, Texas Certification in (EC-4), Reading Specialists certification k-12, ELA/Reading/Social Studies 4-8 Texes pass and ESL certified. I have a deep understanding and appreciation for the value of a good education. My work style could best be described as focused and analytical, with the ability to manage multiple projects and responsibilities. I am dependable, flexible and maintain a positive outlook. I have been employed as an educator for the past fifteen years. This is my ninth year working as a teacher at Barbara Jordan Elementary. Prior to working for FBISD, I worked as a Reading Specialist in HISD. As a specialist, I worked with the reading teachers in preparing Reading /Language Art Common Assessments; functioned as a mentor and provided model lessons for new teachers.
Daily Schedule
- 8:00-8:15 A.M. Morning Preparation
- 8:15-9:00A.M. Outclass
- 9:15-10:10 A.M. Reading/Writing
- 10:30-11:20A.M. Reading/Writing
- 11:20-12:00A.M. Wolverine
- 12:30-1:00 PM Reading/Writing
- 1:00-1:30P.M. Lunch
- 1:30-2:00 P.M. Recess
- 2:00-3:30P.M. Reading/Writing
- 3:20-3:35P.M. Wrap Ups
Conference Schedule
8:20-9:00 a.m.Monday, Wednesday, and Friday