Teacher Information

Phone: 281-634-0255


Degrees and Certifications:

M.Ed Curriculum and Instruction B.A. Spanish

Mrs. Jacqueline Peeples

I am glad to be your Spanish Teacher. I started teaching at Ridge Point in the Fall of 2016.  Previously, I taught at Hightower High School and Sugar Land Middle School. Prior to my years with FBISD, I taught in Chicago, St. Louis and for Houston Public Schools.

I am a proud graduate of Howard University. At Howard, I majored in Spanish and minored in Political Science.  I earned my M.Ed from National Louis University, with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on Bilingual Education.

I look forward to teaching you.  

Teacher Schedule

  • Period 1: Spanish II
    Period 2: Conference
    Period 3: Spanish I
    Period 4: Spanish I
    Period 5: Spanish II
    Period 6: Spanish II 
    Period 7: Spanish II

Teacher Tutorial Schedule

  • Room L251
    Wednesday 2:50-3:45
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