Phone: (281) 329-2669


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Biology Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

Mrs. Russo

Hello Panthers! My name is Missy Russo, and I am teaching AVID I and II here at Ridge Point High School. I joined the Ridge Point family in 2022, and I am excited to be a panther! I am originally from the Houston area and graduated from The Woodlands High School. I went to the University of Texas at Austin and received a degree in Biology. After spending a few years in the classroom, I went on to the University of Texas at Arlington and received my masters in education. I am looking forward to an amazing year!

  • Schedule

    Period 1: Conference

    Period 2: AVID I

    Period 3: AVID I

    Period 4: AVID I

    Period 5: AVID I

    Period 6: AVID II

    Period 7: AVID II

  • Tutorials: 

    Monday 3:00-3:30

    Thursday 3:00-3:30