General Information

  • Attendance 
    Attendance is taken on a daily basis. Any student not present by 10:00 am is recorded as absent. When students are absent, parents must send a note to the school within five school days of the students return to school. The note must include the date(s) and reason for absence. Failure to send the note within five school days will result in the absence(s) being recorded as unexcused.
    Students are to be in their classroom at 8:10 am. After this time, they are considered tardy.  Parents must escort the student into the building and sign them in if they are tardy. Please note, if a student has a combination of five or more tardies or early pickups in a grading period, he/she will receive a “N” (Needs Improvement) on his/her report card under the appropriate conduct section. In order to excuse a tardy, you will need to turn in a doctor's note within five days of the student returning to school.
    Early Pick ups
     If a student is picked up after 10 am, it is considered an early pickup.  Please note, if a student has a combination of five or more tardies or early pick ups in a grading period, he/she will receive a “N” (Needs Improvement) on his/her report card under the appropriate conduct section. Please turn in a doctor's note within five days of the student returning to school to have the early pickup excused.  



Campus Contact

  • Elisa Francis
    Phone: 281-634-3850
